I like change. Like, alot. But only minor things....I don't like big, disruptive changes. But without minor, simple changes....I get bored.
When I started this business (or pre-business, as it was) out, I debated heavily on what the name should be. I eventually decided to go with Deliberately Chic Photography, convinced that my name is too boring to use and that my name should reflect my style.
Now....I'm a little bored with the name. SO....since the name of my business is kind of a big deal, I've decided to change it- permanently- to Katie Little Photography! Mainly because my name is about as permanent as things get, and also because I won't have to worry about people confusing me with anyone else.
This will also increase my google-compatibility. If anyone were to ever try to google me. Please don't try right now. I'm pretty sure you would end up at a company that makes baby bedding. (yes, there is a baby bedding designer named Katie Little.)
SO. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
There are still some times left for Christmas mini-sessions this coming weekend. If you are interested, I suggest you jump on the ole' bandwagon quite quickly! Times a wastin'!